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January 8, 2023

Writer's picture: Jeff VandallJeff Vandall

Millsite Baptist Church

Mike Walker, Pastor

January 8th, 2023

Bible Classes 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 am Wednesday night 7:30

Happy Birthday Joe Vandall, Jr.


With harps and with vials there stands a great throng

In the presence of Jesus and sings this new song;

To Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin,

Unto Him be the glory forever! Amen.

All these once were sinners defiled in His sight,

Now arrayed in pure garments their voices unite;

To Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin,

Unto Him be the glory forever! Amen.

He maketh the rebel a priest and a king,

He hath bought us and taught us this new song to sing;

To Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin,

Unto Him be the glory forever! Amen.

How helpless and hopeless we sinners had been

If He had not loved us and washed us from sin;

To Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin,

Unto Him be the glory forever! Amen.

Aloud in His praises our voices shall ring

So that others believing this new song shall sing;

To Him who hath loved us and washed us from sin,

Unto Him be the glory forever! Amen.

(Tune: “How Firm a Foundation” p. 268)

If you look at the world, you will be distressed. If you look at yourself, you will be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you will be at rest.

-Corrie Ten Boom

His People are His House

While I was in the armed forces in the sixties, I was privileged to be able to travel to fourteen different countries. I have seen and entered some of the most beautiful houses, dedicated to worship, in the western world. I once went to midnight mass at an enormous church in London, replete with all the idols and icons that define that religion. I walked the halls of Westminster Abby. I stood on Mars Hill were Paul preached to the Greeks about the Unknown God. I didn't know Christ then. I was lost and had no idea. But I remember the all too human experience of these places and the feeling that I was in a holy or sacred place. That feeling was born of fear of the unknown, conscious of my wickedness, and a superstitious anxiety that I was in the presence of God. Of course, I wasn’t, and, in my ignorance, I felt that these visits would count well on my merit ledger when the dust settled. As beautiful and awe inspiring as the places were, they were just places and just buildings and what I felt was not the presence of God but rather the fascination that enters only through the eye. I was awed by what men could do without any of it bringing me closer to God. These buildings are not houses of God; His people are His house (Eph. 2:20-22).

---Tim James

Upon a review of the last year, I desire to confess that my unfaithfulness has been exceedingly great, my sins still greater, God’s mercies greater than both. My shortcomings and misdoings, my unbelief and want of love would sink me into the lowest hell, was not Jesus my righteousness and my redeemer.

-Augustus M. Toplady (1740-1778

Religion is to know Biblical facts; Life is to know God (I John 5:20).

Religion is to know what I believe; Life is to know Whom I believe (II Timothy 1:12).

Religion is to be baptized into the church; Life is to be baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3).

Religion is to be reformed; Life is to be regenerated (John 3:3).

Religion is to be a new convert; Life is to be a new creature in Christ (II Corinthians 5:17).

A man was asked, “And what is your religious persuasion?” He replied, “I am persuaded that nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39).

– Henry Mahan

I read an obituary this past week that contained these words, “…he died clinging to his crucifix.” It was written to commend the person’s religious devotion, but I fear that it revealed his lost condition. I shudder to think that he appeared in the presence of God clutching a religious token. How horrible must the experience have been if, indeed, he faced God with nothing more than a carved twig for a hope!

How many professed Christians will awake in the next life to the surprising realization that they spent their lives clinging to that which cannot and will not save. We may scoff at one who would put any confidence in a religious ornament like a crucifix. But the solemn truth is that anything other than Christ that a man may cling to for salvation is no more useful than a crucifix. Our idols may be more sophisticated than the miniature representation of a crucified man, but they will prove no more useful.

Let us not be deceived into a false hope and die clinging to our deep conviction of sin, our baptism, our doctrine, our devotion, or even our ability to be moved by gospel preaching. There is nothing about ourselves that can help us. Only Christ can save.

Let us not mock the man who dies clinging to a crucifix as though we are better than him. Instead, let us always be turning our gaze upon Christ that when we come to death, our hearts will be clinging to Him!

---Joe Terrell


... I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

I can attempt to lay the guilt of the law on a dead man - but he will not feel the burden and run to Christ, unless God gives him life. I can shoot the barbed arrows of the truth of the Gospel into a dead man's chest - but he will not flinch nor shed a tear and cry out to God for mercy, unless God gives him life. I can try to comfort a dead man with the salvation accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ - but he will not rejoice in the Savior's victory, unless God gives him life. Lord, come to us - that we may live and rest in you in abundance!

--- Kevin Thacker

The natural man cannot be taught spiritual things. He can be taught religion, doctrine, and strict morality, but not the things of God. To learn the things of God he must be born again.

Don Fortner

You may contact Pastor Walker at any of the following:

Mike Walker

773 Lone Oak Road

Cottageville, WV 25239

(304) 372-1407 home

(336) 984-7501 cell

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